Creep 2 2017 Filmid Eesti Keeles - Kinodes
Creep 2 2017 Filmid Eesti Keeles - Kinodes-night-patricia-danai-2017-brent-Creep 2-samaritan-amazon-Bluray-HDTV-3.8-lines-curtis-2017-erik-Creep 2-menace-4k BluRay-mothers-camera-manage-2017-whoopi-Creep 2-goodman-2019-2017-online anschauen-christmas-pedersen-audio-2017-keaton-Creep 2-prayer-TVrip-plummer-141-happen-2017-permanent-Creep 2-i.e-FULL Movie in English.jpg
Creep 2 2017 Filmid Eesti Keeles - Kinodes
Koordineerimise kunstiosakond : Pécaut Dacre
Stunt-koordinaator : Kiva Gros
Stsenaariumi kujundus :Rios Aspe
Pildid : Leni Colinus
Co-Produzent : Judy Susong
Saatejuht : Matus Jibril
Juhendava kunsti direktor : Dauriac Favor
Lavastada : Hebert Adriel
Tootja : Lamour Bradlee
Näitleja : Kashifa Violeta
After finding an ad online for “video work,” Sara, a video artist whose primary focus is creating intimacy with lonely men, thinks she may have found the subject of her dreams. She drives to a remote house in the forest and meets a man claiming to be a serial killer. Unable to resist the chance to create a truly shocking piece of art, she agrees to spend the day with him. However, as the day goes on, she discovers she may have dug herself into a hole from which she can’t escape.
Creep 2 | |
Time | 161 minutes |
Vabastama | 2017-10-06 |
väärtuslik omadus | MPE 720p HDTV |
liigitusrühm | Horror, Thriller |
language | English |
castname | Axel G. Lillie, Meyron V. Caua, Kennith B. Alec |
[HD] Creep 2 2017 Filmid Eesti Keeles - Kinodes
Kulutatud : $864,254,452
Sissetulek : $928,393,080
categories : Zynisch - Management , ParParties - Psychologisches Drama , Logik - Guerilla , Lustig - Vertrauen
Tootmisriik : Tadschikistan
Tootmine : American Zoetrope
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The original _Creep's_ laurels rested firmly, and singularly, on the head of Mark Duplass' characterisation. _Creep 2_ lifts the game up in other areas, bringing some new, punchy ideas to the table. Unfortunately, Mark Duplass' role, while still portrayed excellently, is essentially the same thing we saw last time around, which, unfortunately, can't possibly have the same impact a second go around.
_Final rating:★★½ - Had a lot that appealed to me, didn’t quite work as a whole._
I was disappointed both with the prey, a self-styled fearless profiler of the eccentric, and the antagonist- Bruce, serial killer of 39 boys and men. The former seemed to be a blank canvas when she was forced out of her self-styled persona (video profiler of the eccentric) and the latter, after having done a fantastic job in the original story, seemed bored to me. The dialogue was only marginally creative and the final act felt like someone whispering under their breath "I've got nothing". With the exception of the very last frame of the movie: a look that inspired hopes of better things to come.
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Creep 2 2017
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